Settle the Debate: Are Beaches or Mountains Better?
It’s the age-old question, right? It’s not, “Is there life after death”? It’s not, “Why is the sky blue”? Although the answer to that one is easier than you think – it’s because air scatters blue light from the sun. Nope. There always seems to be a debate between outdoor enthusiasts as to which outdoor landscape is the best. So let’s settle the debate: are beaches or mountains better?
It's neither and here's why
You might look at that like a cop out, but it doesn’t make it any less true. GRLSAVAGE believes that both are equally rewarding and worthy of a good day outdoors. We even have an entire line that brings the two of them together and can be worn on the sandy shores of Florida or the mountain tops of New Hampshire.
Comparing beaches and mountains and vice versa is like comparing apples to, well, apples. The reasons for loving one over the other simply settles on personal preference not objective reasoning. At the crux of it, the things and feelings you get out of recreating on the beach or on a mountain summit are, ultimately, the same. Let’s break it down, shall we?
They serve the same purpose
What are the real reasons that people go to the beach or to the mountains? Is it for the adventures to be had, the thrills to seek? Or maybe it’s for the relaxation of the waves or the trees rustling in the wind. Is it for exercise? Or perhaps, it’s simply to have some fun and let go of the responsibilities you have for a day. Even if you’re looking to entertain your kids for the day, beaches and mountains are the perfect place to do it. The reasons for why we get outside don’t matter when it comes to choosing a setting.
You don't need to be rich
The outdoors, for the most part, is free. You might need to pay for parking, get a permit to backpack in the wilderness, or pay an entrance fee to a state park. Regardless of where you go, the fee is usually nominal compared to a day at a museum or amusement park.
The gear you need also doesn’t need to break the bank. There are, of course, essentials that come with a day in the outdoors but ultimately you don’t need the ultralight backpack or the $300 down puffy. For the beach you might need a good tank or crop top (don’t forget the bikini either). If you’re headed out on the trail, make sure to bring your Mt Wave Tee and layer up with a long sleeve and hoodie as well as a light jacket in case it’s colder at the summit.
For either adventure, you’ll want the sun to stay out of your eyes with a cap like our Five Panel one or bucket hat. But don’t forget that summits are colder at the top and early morning surf seshes can be chilly so always have a beanie on hand.
Time of day doesn't matter to appreciate them
Beaches and mountains are beautiful no matter the time of day. For the early risers, seeing sunrise on the shores of the beach or on top of a mountain summit is like no other. Night owls get to watch the moon rise while the whales and wolves sing their haunting songs.
Pack up some summit coffee or beach mimosas in a daypack of your choosing. Don’t forget the mugs either! For those who want to stick to daylight hours and soak up as much sun as possible, don’t leave the house without our tote bags that are perfect for sandy beach toys and dirty shoes after a day on the trail.
Endorphins are free
Both beaches and mountains give people joy. It depends on your preference which one might give you more of it. For many, mountains allow a space to release stress and surround themselves with the sounds of birds tweeting and squirrels scurrying. For others, beaches provide a calmness across their senses and a rebirth of their happiness. Ultimately, both beaches and mountains give you exactly what your mind needs.
What if you could have both
So you see that neither beaches or mountains are better than the other. They coexist and are equally wonderful to immerse yourselves in. What would be even better is if there were places where you could summit a mountain in the morning and then watch the sunset from the beach! Then you don’t ever have to choose. If only there was such a place.